The planning process is comprised of the following key phases.

  • Preparation.
    The Team prepares all the tasks to initiate the project.

  • Public Engagement.
    Continuing throughout the process, public engagement includes interviews with local leadership, appointment of a Steering Committee, public meetings to introduce the project and provide updates to the broader community, web postings on the county website throughout the process, and the final public hearings for adoption.

  • Research and Analysis.
    This phase involves gathering and analyzing existing conditions data regarding land use, development constraints, utilities and transportation network, and economic and housing market conditions. A Technical Findings Report will be issued. The 2018 growth areas will be assessed, and priority development sites will be identified for business/industry sites and housing, especially workforce housing, as the project moves towards preparing the draft plan.

  • Plan Development.
    A plan will be drafted that summarizes the data and analysis, and presents initial recommendations regarding the Growth Areas, prioritized development sites, and highest and best use for those sites. The draft plan will be shared with the Steering Committee and public for review and comment. It will be posted on the web. Following the review and edits, the final plan will be posted and presented to the Steering Committee and public for final comments.

  • Adoption and Plan Delivery.
    The final plan will be presented to the Fairfield County Regional Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners for review and adoption. Following adoption, the Team will deliver the final product for posting and in digital and printed forms.