Portraying the fullness of family through
day-to-day and life-defining moments
day-to-day and life-defining moments
Inspired by Fairfield County Job and Family Services foster program families and children, Fairfield County is sharing a hopeful message to “Foster the Future.”
The mural depicts scenes in a young person’s life that are milestones or family moments that can be life-defining and also moments a child may not experience without a foster home or adoption situation. The scenes are as simple as a family dinner, learning to ride a bike, and as momentous as graduation.
We hope the mural acts as an inspiration to potential foster parents and sheds light on what fostering can mean for young people. They are, after all, the future.
The mural depicts scenes in a young person’s life that are milestones or family moments that can be life-defining and also moments a child may not experience without a foster home or adoption situation. The scenes are as simple as a family dinner, learning to ride a bike, and as momentous as graduation.
We hope the mural acts as an inspiration to potential foster parents and sheds light on what fostering can mean for young people. They are, after all, the future.
The mural is located at the Fairfield County Records Center. 138 W. Chestnut Street.
Local Foster / Adoption Stories

We have the home for it, we have the ability and the space so why would we not open our home to those that need?

You see kids every day without parents, and I lost my mom at a young age, so I know what it’s like not to have that figure in your life and just providing that for a child at a young age.

There are so many teenagers that need love, need to be taught, and need guidance. It is brutally hard, but to see these kids flourish into things they never thought possible is amazing.
Learn more about foster and adoption
The Process

The mural was designed and illustrated by Jonathan “Remo” Remoquillo, of Remo Remo Design, using real foster stories as inspiration for the imagery. The 1,600 sq. ft. mural was painted by a small team, including Remoquillo and his wife, Spencer, and volunteers over the course of two months in the summer of 2021. Volunteers included Marilyn Steiner, Pam Patula and Julie Goss.